I delivered with a fun story time about Sheep!!
Opening Song: Shake My Sillies Out - Raffi
Book: No Sleep for the Sheep! by Karen Beaumont

Rhyme: Little Bo Peep
Song: It's Raining, It's Pouring (a special request, for obvious reasons!)
Book: Wee Little Lamb by John Butler

Activity: Make rain
Rub hands together
Snap fingers
Clap hands
Slap knees
Slap knees and stomp feet
Slap knees
Clap hands
Snap fingers
Rub hands together
Book: Where is the Green Sheep? by Mem Fox

Activity: Make rain (we had to do this at least 4 times, they LOVED it!)
Craft: Cotton Ball Sheep from DLTK-Kids.

I am super excited for tonight's edition of FMRNS!!! We didn't have movie night last Wednesday, because it was a travel day for me, so it's been a while!! We had a Bonus Night the weekend before I left, and watched Predator, a sci-fi movie from 1987 with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Jesse Ventura. I wasn't terribly impressed, and after watching it again, A and I decided it was, in fact, NOT LISTWORTHY!!! It has now been removed from "The List." (p.s. The List hasn't been updated on the blog yet - I need to do that!!)
Anyway, tonight's feature will be The Big Chill, a drama from 1983 with Tom Berenger, Glenn Close, and Jeff Goldblum.
We're going to be recording American Idol so we can watch the performance show and then the results show all together - with NO BREAK!! We'll be watching ANTM in real time, which is awesome!!
I'm also really excited, because A got a copy of Whose Line is it Anyway? which is Drew Carey's improv show from the late 90's with Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, and Ryan Stiles. HI-LARIOUS!!! Should be a great evening!!!!