Boo-Hoo Bird by Jeremy Tankard

After we read this one, we did an action song - Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. Something to get them up and moving a little after the first longer story.
Boo Hoo Boo Boo by Marilyn Singer

We snuck in one more song here, Bringing Home a Baby Bumble Bee (cuz, the singer gets a boo boo from carrying the bee, get it?! hahahaha)
What Shall We Do with the Boo Hoo Baby? by Cressida Cowell

And then, of course, it was craft time!!! It took me a minute to find something, since I was trying to focus on "ouch" or "boo-boo." But I ended up finding one of the easiest crafts that tied in perfectly!!! I found this Easter Chick craft on the DLTK-Kids website, and modified it to fit my story time. I pre-cut all the pieces and got everything ready for them! I made a sample "Boo Hoo Bird" but encouraged the kids to be creative with theirs!!

Since it's Wednesday, you know what that means!!!! I LURVE FMRNS Night!!!!! Last week, I told you we watched A Man Called Horse. After watching it, we decided it was a GOOD movie, but maybe not quite FABULOUS. When we come across one of those types of movies, we point at the TV and declare the movie (in our judgy-est voices) UN-LIST-WORTHY!!!! *sigh* We were highly disappointed to have wasted FMRNS night on an un-list-worthy movie!
However, we made up for it on Thursday evening for FMRNS Bonus Night!!! WHOOT WHOOOT!!! After we watched The Mentalist (and I *drooled* over Simon Baker), A and I watched another movie that was on the list, a comedy from 1988 called Feds, with Rebecca De Mornay and Mary Gross. Hilarious!!!! And DEFINITELY list worthy!!
Tonight, we're watching a 1967 Drama, Cool Hand Luke, with Paul Newman (**drool**) and George Kennedy. HOOOORAY!!!!!

1 comment:
What a fun storytime!
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