Monday, December 19, 2011

Impromptu Fairy Tales

We had a performer all set to come in and do an amazing interactive Fairy Tale program for us, and everyone was SUPER EXCITED...until... My fabulous performer called me a short two hours before the program and informed me that she was sick and couldn't make it. Now, I could have thrown in the towel and told the disappointed kiddos that there would be no Fairy Tales, but I just couldn't do that!!! So, I scrambled a little and whipped something together!

Opening Song: Shake My Sillies Out - Raffi

Book: Ten Big Toes and a Prince's Nose by Nancy Gow

Song: Old McDonald

Book: Jack and the Beanstalk by Rosemary Wells

Dance: The Freeze by Greg and Steve (from Greg and Steve: We All Live Together Vol. 2)

Book: Who Wants a Dragon by James Mayhew

Craft: A variation of the Birthday Crown!!

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